Traditional Salad

Ingredients: 200g Tomatoes, 80g Onion, 100g Cucumber, Salt and Lemon juice.
Slice tomatoes and onions and cucumbers into cubes. Put them into a bowl or plate, add the salt and lemon juice. Put in the fridge for 20 minutes. Serve with roasts, braaied meat, mazondo or chicken (road runner).

Brown Rice with Peanut Butter/ Mupunga une Dovi

Ingredients: 1 Cup Brown Rice, 2 Cups Boiling water, 4 Tablespoons Peanut Butter.
Wash one cup brown rice in cold water, put in a pot and add 2 cups boiling water, cook the rice until soft and then add 4 tablespoons of peanut butter, mix it thoroughly with a wooden spoon and then let it summer on low heat for 5mins.  Can be served with organic chicken stew or beef stew.

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